
Before starting any project, answer these three questions:

  1. Objective: Define what you’re trying to achieve. Make objectives specific and quantifiable, like improving a PROM score by 10 points, rather than generic, unquantifiable goals, such as “achieve better patient wellbeing”.
  2. Measurement: Determine how you’ll measure improvement. Use our precise, pre-defined metrics to track progress. Quantitative data is more reliable than qualitative impressions.
  3.  Changes for Improvement: Identify what changes you will need to make to achieve your desired objective.

SMART Criteria: Use SMART objectives – Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Relevant, and Time-bounded.

  • Specific: Identify a clear area for improvement with precise objectives.
  • Measurable: Set objectives that can be quantitatively measured.
  • Assignable: Assign each objective to a person or team responsible for it.
  • Realistic: Set challenging yet achievable objectives, considering available tools and uncontrollable factors.
  • Time-bound: Define a clear timeline for achieving each objective.
All projects have a similar life-cycle:


Clearly define your goals and success criteria. Predict outcomes and plan data collection methods.


Collect data based on the plan.


Analyse the data to identify trends and compare results to predictions.


Implement changes based on the analysis and plan the next cycle.