Patient Measures

Understanding patient experience

Patient measures are wide and varied. Select the area you’d like to measure for further info.

Patient Reported Outcomes Measures (PROMs)

Quality of Life

Health Status (howRu)

The howRu health status measure is a short generic Patient-Reported Outcome Measure (PROM) to track and compare patients’ perceptions of how they feel and what they can do. (PROM, 24 words, Reading age 8 years).

Benson T, et al. Evaluation of a new short generic measure of HRQoL: howRu. Inform Prim Care 2010;18:89–101. (pdf)

Personal Well-being (PWS)

The Personal Well-being Score (PWS) is a simplified version of the ONS4. It covers life evaluation, worthwhileness, happiness and anxiety. (PROM, 29 words, Reading age 9 years)

Benson T, et al. Personal Wellbeing Score (PWS) – a short version of ONS4: development and validation in social prescribing. BMJ Open Qual 2019;8:e000394. (pdf)

Person-Specific Outcome (PSO)

The Person-Specific Outcome measure (PSO) is a short generic individualised outcome measure, where patients type in one or two issues that concern them most, which are then rated in terms of the amount of concern each is causing. (PROM, 34 words, Reading age 7 years)


Sleep patterns are an important determinant of health and well-being. (PROM, 29 words, Reading age 6 years)


Fatigue is a common complaint in primary care and has a big impact on quality of life. (PROM, 27 words, Reading age 9 years)

Individual Care

Health Confidence (HCS)

The Health Confidence Score (HCS) captures what people think about their health literacy, self-efficacy, access to care and shared decision-making. (PROM, 38 words, Reading age 7 years)

Benson T, et al. Development and initial testing of a Health Confidence Score (HCS). BMJ Open Qual 2019;8:e000411. (pdf)


Self-Care includes self-management of diet, physical activity, weight and medication. (PROM, 28 words, Reading age 9 years)

Shared Decisions (SDM)

Shared decisions (SDM) covers patients’ involvement in clinical decisions, including their understanding of the choices and the risks and benefits of each. (PROM, 28 words, Reading age 9 years)

Behaviour change

Behaviour change covers your capability, opportunity and motivation (conscious and unconscious) to change what you do, based on Michie’s COM-B model. (PROM, 29 words, Reading age 6 years)


Adherence includes remembering to take medications, do treatments and to follow instructions, given side-effects, recovery and satisfaction. (PROM, 32 words, Reading age 8 years)

Acceptance of loss

Acceptance of loss covers how you cope with loss, learn to live with events, including recognition of capabilities and change, how to do things differently and to move on with life, along the lines of the grief cycle. (PROM, 32 words, Reading age 6 years)


Social Determinants of Health (SDoH)

Social Determinants of Health (SDH) impact health and care outcomes but are outside the clinical system. Education, autonomy, housing and poverty all play a big role. (PROM, 31 words, Reading age 7 years)

Social Contact

Social Contact is an important determinant of health and well-being. This measure focuses on peoples’ perception of loneliness and their social relationships in a positive way. (PROM, 31 words, Reading age 7 years)

Neighbour relationships

Neighbour relationships, community cohesion and social capital are impacted by how well people know, trust and help each other. (PROM, 10 words, Reading age 8 years)

Personal safety

Personal safety includes physical safety (from injury) and emotional safety (from verbal abuse or discrimination), which may take place either inside your own home or when you go out. (PROM, 30 words, Reading age 10 years)


This measure is included as an alternative to Social Contact (above), based on guidance from the Office of National Statistics (ONS). (PROM, 17 words, Reading age 5 years)

Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREMs)

Care Provided

Patient Experience (howRwe)

The howRwe Patient-Reported Experience Measure (PREM) measures patients’ perception of service provided (kindness, communication, promptness and organisation). (PREM, 18 words, Reading age 7 years)

Benson T, Potts HWW. A short generic patient experience questionnaire: howRwe development and validation. BMC Health Serv Res 2014;14:499.

Service Integration

Service Integration captures patients’ perceptions of how well different services work together to help them. (PREM, 35 words, Reading age 8 years)

Benson T. Measure what we want: a taxonomy of short generic person-reported outcome and experience measures (PROMs and PREMs). BMJ Open Qual 2020;9:e000789. (pdf)


Privacy covers patients’ perceptions of data protection, sharing and information governance. (PREM, 37 words, Reading age 10 years)


Digital confidence

Digital confidence assesses people’s confidence in using digital apps and similar devices. (PREM, 36 words, Reading age 12 years)

Product confidence

Product confidence covers understanding of and confidence in using a specific innovation, application or product. (PREM, 25 words, Reading age 10 years)

User satisfaction

User satisfaction focuses on people’s perception of how much an innovation is useful and easy to use, availability of help and overall satisfaction. (PREM, 33 words, Reading age 6 years)


The Training measure is based on Kirkpatrick’s four levels (Reaction, Learning, Behaviour and Results), which were first introduced in the 1950s. (PREM, 34 words, Reading age 7 years)

Can’t see what you’re looking for?

We have over 50 measures so it’s likely whatever you’re looking for we’ve either done it before or can help you find out how. Contact us to discuss what you need to measure.